Aageson, Dr. James W., Religion | aageson@cord.edu

Aho, Dr. Ellen L., Biology | aho@cord.edu

Anderson, Dr. Daniel V., Healthcare Leadership | danderso@cord.edu

Anderson, Dr. Per M., Religion, Global Learning | anderson@cord.edu

Anderson, Dr. Verlyn D., Library, History, Scandinavian Studies | vanderso@cord.edu

Bartz, Dr. Albert E., Psychology | bartz@cord.edu

Bath, Dr. Michael G., Political Science | bath@cord.edu

Bjerkness, Odell M., French, Language Villages, May Seminars | objerkne@cord.edu

Bokinskie, Dr. Jean C., Nursing | bokinski@cord.edu

Borchert, Theresa A., Library | borchert@cord.edu

Breedon, Dr. Daniel F., Music | breedon@cord.edu

Burchill, Madelyn C., German | burchill@cord.edu

Cabello-Cobo, Dr. Francisco L., Spanish and Hispanic Studies | cabello@cord.edu

Capistran, Jane Linde, Music | capistra@cord.edu

Carver, Dr. Cynthia R., Communication Studies | carver@cord.edu

Cermak, James F., Communication Studies and Theatre Art | jcermak@cord.edu

Chapman, Dr. Richard M., History | chapman@cord.edu

Christopherson, James M., Head Coach-Football, Physical Education and Health

Clark, Dr. Jonathan P., German | clark@cord.edu

Clausen, Dr. René K., Music | clausen@cord.edu

Cohen, Joanne, Music | cohen@cord.edu

Connell, Dr. George B., Philosophy | connell@cord.edu

Connell, Virginia L., Library | vconnell@cord.edu

Coomber, Dr. James E., English | coomber@cord.edu

Cordes-Green, Dr. Susan J., Psychology | cordes@cord.edu

Covey, Dr. Mark K., Psychology | covey@cord.edu

Craft, Dr. William J., President of the College | craft@cord.edu

Dahlberg, Dr. Carol Ann, Education | dahlberg@cord.edu

Dahlberg, Dr. Duane A., Physics | dahlberg@cord.edu

Dahley, Dr. Laurie K., Social Work | dahley@cord.edu

Dinga, Dr. Gustav P., Chemistry | gdinga@cord.edu

Dovre, Dr. Paul J., President of the College, Speech Communication and Theatre Art | dovre@cord.edu

Duncan, Dr. Dawn E., English | duncan@cord.edu

Eglitis, Mirdza Z., German, Norwegian | meglitis@cord.edu

Ellig, Dr. Nicholas R., Sociology | ellig@cord.edu

Ellingson, Dr. Susan P., Education | ellingso@cord.edu

Engebretsen, Dr. A. Rune, Scandinavian Studies and Norwegian | engebret@cord.edu

Engelhardt, Dr. Carroll L., History | cengelha@cord.edu

Eyler, Dr. David P., Music | eyler@cord.edu

Fagerstrom, Dr. DuWain A., Business Education and Office Administration | fagerstr@cord.edu

Forde, Dr. James L., Mathematics and Computer Science | forde@cord.edu

Foss, Dr. Nancy E., French | foss@cord.edu

Foss, Robert K., Accounting | bfoss@cord.edu

Gealy, Dr. Mark W., Physics | gealy@cord.edu

Glasrud, Barbara, Art | bglasrud@cord.edu

Goldberg, Heidi, Art | goldberg@cord.edu

Guy, Dr. Marilyn J., Education | guy@cord.edu

Haglund, Roger E., Mathematics | haglund@cord.edu

Hallquist, Dr. Mary W., Family and Nutrition Sciences | hallquis@cord.edu

Halverson, Peter D., Music | halverso@cord.edu

Halvorson, Dr. Patricia A., Psychology | halvorso@cord.edu

Hamilton, David, Music | hamilton@cord.edu

Hammerling, Rev. Dr. Roy, Religion | hammerli@cord.edu

Hammerstrom, Janice E., Family and Nutrition Sciences | hammerst@cord.edu

Haney, Dr. James L., Religion | jhaney@cord.edu

Harvey, Dr. Gretchen G., History | harvey@cord.edu

Herman, Dr. Stewart W., Religion | herman@cord.edu

Heuer, Dr. Charles V., Mathematics and Computer Science | cheuer@cord.edu

Hiebert, Willard E., German | hiebert@cord.edu

Hiestand, Dr. Thomas, Offutt School of Business | hiestand@cord.edu

Houglum, Bruce M., Music | houglum@cord.edu

Hovde, Dr. Peter C., Political Science | hovde@cord.edu

Hoverson, Sharon R., Library | hoverson@cord.edu

Hustuft, Carol A., Library | hustuft@cord.edu

Ingberg, Dr. Alfhild, English | ingberg@cord.edu

Iverson, Dr. Stanley A., Classical Studies | iverson@cord.edu

James, Linda S., Nutrition and Dietetics | james@cord.edu

Johnson, Dr. Ivan M., Biology | ijohnson@cord.edu

Johnson, Dr. Linda L., History | ljohnson@cord.edu

Keup, Dr. Linda C., Offutt School of Business | keup@cord.edu

Kloster, Dr. Polly K., Nursing | kloster@cord.edu

Kohler, Robert, Physical Education and Health | kohler@cord.edu

Kopperud, Dr. Joan L., English | kopperud@cord.edu

Larson, Dr. Betty J., Nutrition, Dietetics, and Exercise Science | blarson@cord.edu

Larson, Dr. George S., English | gslarson@cord.edu

Larson, Mary E., Library | gslarson@cord.edu

Larson-Casselton, Dr. Cindy L., Communication Studies | clarson@cord.edu

Legler, Dr. James R., Offutt School of Business | legler@cord.edu

Lindholm, Dr. Matthew Luther, Sociology | lindholm@cord.edu

Lintelman, Dr. Joy K., History | lintelma@cord.edu

Luther, Dr. Bryan A., Physics | luther@cord.edu

McCauley, Dr. Barbara A., Classical Studies | mccauley@cord.edu

McMullen, Catherine O., English | mcmullen@cord.edu

McRae, Michele T., ACCORD, English, Reading-Writing Center | mmcrae@cord.edu

Meléndez, Dr. Pedro S., Spanish and Hispanic Studies | melendez@cord.edu

Moewes, Dr. David S., Business, Accounting, and Economics | moewes@cord.edu

Mork, Dr. David S., Chemistry | dmork@cord.edu

Nellermoe, Dr. Ronald L., Biology | nellermo@cord.edu

Nelson, Dr. Lois F., Nursing | lnelson@cord.edu

Nygaard, Peter A., Music | nygaard@cord.edu

Olive, Dr. Barbara A., English | olive@cord.edu

Osborn, Howard H., Biology | hosborn1@cord.edu

O’Shaughnessy, Dr. Susan M., Philosophy | oshaughn@cord.edu

Paulson, Dr. Carlton, Biology | cpaulson@cord.edu

Pavek, Dr. Bernice J., Head Coach-Women’s Tennis, Physical Education | bpavek@cord.edu

Pederson de Castañeda, Dr. Viann M., Spanish and Hispanic Studies, Master of Education in World Language Instruction | pederson@cord.edu

Peterson, Dr. Constance L., Nursing | cpeterso@cord.edu

Pipho, Dr. Armin P., Physical Education and Health | pipho@cord.edu

Prom, Lynn H., Education | eprom@cord.edu

Rauschnabel, June, Music | rauschna@cord.edu

Rice, Allen E., Physical Education | arice@cord.edu

Rice, Dr. Donald E., Communication Studies | drice@cord.edu

Rice, Dr. Mary K., Spanish and Hispanic Studies, World Languages and Cultures | mrice@cord.edu

Rowell, Gerald V., Mathematics | rowell@cord.edu

Sandgren, Dr. David P., History | sandgren@cord.edu

Sawyer, Dr. Lisa Lee, Music | sawyer@cord.edu

Schmoll, Dr. Edward A., Classical Studies | schmoll@cord.edu

Scott, Dr. Linda M., Nursing | lscott@cord.edu

Sternhagen, Dr. Fred, Communication Studies | sternhag@cord.edu

Valderrama de Sillers, Dr. Leonor, Spanish and Hispanic Studies | sillers@cord.edu

Simmons, Rev. Dr. Ernest L. Jr., Religion | simmons@cord.edu

Siverson, Duane E., Head Coach-Golf, Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science | dsiverso@cord.edu

Skaar, Donna J., Spanish

Smart-Morstad, Dr. Karla J., Education | smart@cord.edu

Smerud, Dr. Warren D., Philosophy | wsmerud@cord.edu

Snyder, Dr. William J. Jr., English | snyder@cord.edu

Sprunger, Dr. David A., English | sprunger@cord.edu

Stoen, Dr. Linda L., Education | stoen@cord.edu

Stradley, Dr. Scot A., Offutt School of Business | stradley@cord.edu

Swanson, Linda, Library | mswans14@cord.edu

Thureen, Daniel J., Offutt School of Business | thureen@cord.edu

Todt, Dr. William L., Biology | todt@cord.edu

Tomhave, Dr. William K., Mathematics | tomhave@cord.edu

Ulness, Dr. James D., Psychology | ulness@cord.edu

Van Amburg, Dr. Gerald L., Biology | vanambur@cord.edu

Vitalis, Luella M., Nursing | vitalis@cord.edu

Witteman, Dr. Barbara, Education | witteman@cord.edu

Wohlfeil, Dr. Michael D., Education | wohlfeil@cord.edu

Worth, Dr. David M., Music | worth@cord.edu

Zeng, Dr. Xueqi, Mathematics | zeng@cord.edu